


1: 你永远可以找到更低的价格,但质量肯定不一样。
You can always find a lower price, but the quality will definitely be different.

2: 能否告知你的预算,我看看还有没有其他方案。
Can you let me know your budget? I will see if there are any other options.

3: 我完全了解你的意思,但除却价格,还有其他因素影响到这个订单的进展吗?
I fully understand your point, but apart from price, are there any other factors affecting the progress of this order?

4: 我们认为从长远考虑,公道的价格会增加销量,从而得到更多的利润。
We believe that in the long run, fair pricing will increase sales, leading to higher profits.

5: 我们没办法给到这么低的价格,因为我们的报价要综合考虑到售后服务。
We cannot offer such a low price because our quote has to take into account after-sales service.

6: 我们不能因为质量问题流失客户,这会导致我们以后都无法再完成交易
We cannot afford to lose customers due to quality issues, as this would prevent us from completing future transactions.

7: 这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。
This has already pushed the price to the edge of production cost.

8: 我们已将价格减至最低限度了。
We have reduced the price to the minimum limit.

9: 我给你我们的价格底线。
I am giving you our bottom line price.

10: 你知道原材料成本比以前增加了两倍,所以我们不能保持原来的价格,这个是行业的问题。
You know that the cost of raw materials has doubled compared to before, so we cannot maintain the original price. This is an industry issue.

11: 劳动力缺乏越来越严重。
The shortage of labor is becoming more and more serious.

12: 我们可以告诉你原材料和工人工资上涨的数字。
We can inform you about the increase in raw material and labor costs.


1: 上次跟进后便没有收到你的回复,我猜想我们合作上可能出现什么问题了。请告知我这边需要做些什么。
Last time I did not receive your reply, I suspect there may be some problems in our cooperation. Please let me know what I need to do.

2: 想象一下,一旦您将这种新产品推向您的分销渠道,六个月后情况会怎样。Imagine, once you push this new product to your distribution channels, what will the situation be like in six months?

3: 这是很正常的事情,所有客户在了解产品之前都是嫌贵的。
This is quite normal; all customers think the product is expensive before they understand it.

4: 我给你发的资料可以让你在选择产品的时候少走很多弯路的。
The information I sent you can help you avoid a lot of detours when choosing products.

5: 现在的市场竞争如此激烈,没有公司会愚蠢到以比别人更高的价格出售同样质量的产品,除非这家公司根本不算大。
The current market competition is so fierce that no company would be foolish enough to sell the same quality products at a higher price than others unless the company is not really significant.

6: 物有所值,是从服务、细节、专业、结果、售后支持等方面考虑,而不是简单的说“价格低”。
Value for money is considered from aspects such as service, details, professionalism, results, after-sales support, etc., rather than simply saying “low price.”

7: 信任是宝贵的,如果你选择依靠我,我不会让你失望的。
Trust is valuable, and if you choose to rely on me, I will not let you down.

8: 不同的价格代表不同的品质。贵的可能不适合你,便宜的也不一定好,适合你的才是重要的。
Different prices represent different qualities. Expensive may not be suitable for you, and cheap may not necessarily be good. What is important is what suits you best.


1: I am sorry to hear that you have encountered an issue with our product. 很遗憾听到您遇到了我们的产品问题。

2: Can you tell me more about the problem you encountered? 您能告诉我更多关于您遇到的问题吗?

3: I understand your frustration, and I will do my best to address this issue for you. 我理解您的沮丧,我会尽力为您解决这个问题。

4: Please rest assured that we will take your complaint seriously and work hard to resolve the problem. 请放心,我们会认真对待您的投诉,并努力解决问题。

5: We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. 对于给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。

6: We will investigate this matter and provide you with a solution as soon as possible. 我们将调查此事,并尽快向您提供解决方案。

7: What can we do to make up for the inconvenience we have caused you? 我们能做些什么来弥补给您带来的不便吗?

8: What can we do to make up for the inconvenience we have caused you? 我们能做些什么来弥补给您带来的不便吗?

9: Can you provide us with photos or videos of the problem? 您能向我们提供问题的照片或视频吗?

10: We will arrange for our quality control team to inspect the product and determine the cause of the issue. 我们将安排我们的质量控制团队检查产品,并确定问题的原因。

